Monday, 22 September 2008

So long =)

Another 3 of my coursemates will be leaving the tanahair today pursuing their master's degree in the U.K..wah ramai coursemates ku belayar eh...envy ku..sia2pun sja dlu lah..maybe someday..=)..anyway just wana wish them(Gk, Yus and mar) good luck..mudahan cita2 mendapatkan master tercapai..hehe tercapai tu eh insya Allah. Kami menunggu sini sja for the posting..kami 'menjangkau' kan utk kamu saja =P next yr sja kamu merasai ;)..ada lagi some of my coursemates who will be leaving soon..26th ani i think..hmm..wish them luck not really sure sapa saja tu on the 26th..but sorg atu im pretty sure c Yla..Good luck too! hmm altogther this yr my coursemates continuing their study ada..hmm..dlm 10 lah..last yr 2 org(rissa n J)..nyaman hati dorg tu yg dua org ah..finished their master's course dah..waiting for their result sja lagi and graduation by the end of this yr kli ah or nxt yr hehe..insya Allah dpt kamu tu~..pas tu ambil phd lagi ah~ ;) long dulu my frens yg pursuing their master..jangan lupakan kami di sini...balik nanti bawa oleh2 =P.

To gk, yus and mar..sory inda ku ikut ngantar kamu belayar..maluku nada dgnku laki2 huhu =P

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