Tuesday, 16 September 2008

Class record

Official new class record for the number of student presents in a day: 8 out of 33. Only 24.24% saja yang datang. Kalau exam percentage failed plang tu. If everyday 8 org sja kan d ajar siuk eh. Nyaman rasa otak. hihihi..Tapi i didnt teach plang tadi..no point to teach lah..just let them play..aku pun main sama dorg 'snake and ladders game' hahah..kinda siuk..lama dah ku inda main. 2 pictures of my nearly emptied classroom:

3rd term holiday start tomorrow. Happy holidays!!! Selamat Berpuasa!! and Selamat adv. Hari raya!! haha awal~ so semangat already bah~

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