Saturday, 18 July 2009

Kana observe

Have been observed hari ani. Overall was ok. Rated good and was quoted as one of the best observed for the first time formally. Well boss malar plang sudah masuk my class but informally. Thanx to relief teaching although inda plang ku suka esp pasal the payment ehe..but it really helped. Beneficial jua lah. Rich with experience...well ok lah..i learned to be more confident =)..Thanx to my mentors as well..the teachers masa ku relief and current..they really helped me....taught me..

Btw my SPA sudah d bandar rupanya. Tot menunggu the rest mengantar brutah d hntrnya ke bandar..well im wrong..but inda apa..its a positive news friends yg lum tau atu..hntr cia a.s.a.p borg SPA atu lau kan mau begaji bulan cepat.. hehe.. so far my borang n documents are all complete..important lah yg u need to get them from school..minit melapor and surat sokongan..

My next task now is kan mengusai my classroom...yikes..pisan eh...semakin btimbun banar kaja ane...and i have to make the library more condusive than current as i am a library teacher now..soon kan kana suruh buat new timetable...but i have to learn cara mmbuat jua...wahh...ngalih jua ah jadi pp ani..and mendpt pangkat bru d sekulah ani pun lalah th jua...mcm nada masaku g kan online d school ah..huhu =S

Anyway...just wana say happy belated belated to Awg Zum a.k.a Mr Zomba a.k.a Zumatdy...jan lupa lanja kmi excapade yaw...3 days ne holiday...and dun 4 get to text kul brapa convoy on Monday yaw...

ok then...kan watch football matchku..bye!

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